Saturday, January 16, 2010

Can I install razor- wire on my roof and the top of the tree against squirrels ruining my house?

They cut my roof and attic structure, alarm wires and even the celling.The rain is dropping inside. What the other good methods against them. I live in New York. Thanks in advance.Can I install razor- wire on my roof and the top of the tree against squirrels ruining my house?
Not only would it look disgusting, you'd probably run into some issues with Building and Zoning. Call that department before you do anything.

Just because you live in NY doesn't mean you need your roof looking like Rikers Island. Ew.

You can also call an exterminator..they don't just work *inside* homes; they can probably help you out with the perimeter and exterior.Can I install razor- wire on my roof and the top of the tree against squirrels ruining my house?
its illegal
feed them!? if they get what they want they wont go looking for it....=-)
No...razor wire will not stop the local kids... trying crawl about your roof, that would stop them

What you need are some live traps, set them about the yard and they will trap the little pests, then you can dispose of them. Or you can call a pest service and they will probably poison them.

Last but not least you could try cutting the tree branches and any climbing plants away from the house so they cannot climb onto the roof and on the tree itself wrap a 3 foot piece of smooth metal around it, kind of like you see on telephone poles etc, that stops squirrels from climbing up the tree...and of course...a dog in the yard always helps...ours kills every single squirrel it can get its teeth into..
First check with a local animal pest company, and local

codes don't want anyone getting hurt. I wouldn't recomend

razor on anything, dangerous to you when you install it and

dangerous over-all. Check for all opening in your structure

even small ones, sometimes the damage could be other

vermin like mice and rats, and they can get into very very

small places and are very distructive and determined to

get there way.

There are noise making devices that deture animals that

may do the job.

May be a good idea to get a cat, my cat is great at keeping

all critters away from my house. Hope this helps

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