Monday, January 18, 2010

How to get rid of squirrels in house?

We just moved here in the spring, so I don't know if this is a winter thing with fall coming or what, but.... we got a huge chimney with 2 fireplaces.... So anyway, I was upstairs in dad's room on computer, and all of a sudden we heard something, and I looked up and there were 2 squirrels climbing around the bricks by the fireplace.... Dad said its the 2nd time this week he saw/heard them....

Now, I love nature/wildlife, and I believe squirrels are soooo cute.... I love watching them frolic around the backyard, but.. not in my house!!!!

Anybody know of any natural way to get rid of them??? There are holes in the ceiling/chimney or whatever, but until we get that fixed, are there any other ways of keeping them out??? We definitely don't want to kill/hurt them, just get them out of house....

It was pretty funny, dad was yelling at them ';get out of my house, go away';, lol.... while i'm laughing so hard I can barely breathe... and theres dad -- Its not funny, get out!!!

Help pleaseHow to get rid of squirrels in house?
Go to a feed and seed store. Buy a small bottle of Fox urine. Tie a few old socks in a know. Pour some of the urine on them. Throw them around in your attic, near the vents.How to get rid of squirrels in house?
Well you know what, I watched a special about this about two weeks ago on Either Discovery Channel or Animal Planet. They tried Moth Balls around the house because the smell would keep them away but these squirrels moved them around. They also tried putting mesh on the holes as a temporary fix for getting them out. But honestly, the best way to keep them out is to get a small dog. He won't be able to hurt the squirrels so long as they aren't on the ground with him but his bark will keep them away.

Also, you can this method.

If you find a squirrel in a room of your house- which would be unusual since they like secluded places best- you should close all the windows and doors. Close all the curtains too. Unless they have a hidden escape route, you'll have them trapped. Then, you must decide what the best exit out of the room will be. An open window is usually the best choice. Open one window and simply leave the room, closing the door behind you. The squirrel should follow the light and find its way back outside where it belongs.
Critter Ridder鈥?/a>



just toss some moth balls where ever you see them getting in or hanging around
Adopt a cat. Squirrels will flee. They will not stay in a house with a cat.
a cat would love the exercise.

a squirrel is a rodent with good P.R.
get a mesh nap bag and put in some moth balls and lay them where the squirrels come in

works for me to keep out the varmints that come under the house
A gun and some peanut butter. Simple as that.
Well if you dont want to kill them. Hire me I will kill them for you! or as stupid as it sounds set like 15 rat traps in your attic you will catch them.
I had this same experience with squirrels in my house. It seems I was the only one who saw them. For me it was either the squirrels stay in the house or I stay. We both couldn't stay the house.

We called the animal control people they came and set traps up on the roof and inside the house.

We thought they were in the attic but actually in between the roof and attic. They will set two traps and come back the next day take it out and set another. They caught about six or seven. I felt that they were releasing them in the backyard and allowing them to come in again. We were told that they cannot kill them. They have to take them out and release them. They even caught a raccoon.

The roof/chimney and holes are fixed now. Who knows, they might come back, but call the animal control or go the hardware store and buy the big traps, set it with corn husk and peanut better, it will trap them and fix the problem, otherwise will be have a Noah's arch with all the animals moving into your house.

Good luck!

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