Saturday, January 16, 2010

How do I get rid of squirrels from my house?

Squirrels are getting into my house somehow. I've tried hav-a-heart traps but they don't work. Their getting in through tiny openings where my stone foundation meets my ridge joist. What do I use to fill the holes? I'm thinking Spray Foam might stop them for a little while?How do I get rid of squirrels from my house?
I have been successful blocking the area with metal flashing. If they can pull it away however they will so it must be fastened securely. On one building recently, I cut all trees back 5 to 10' away from the building and used spray foam on some existing holes. They could still jump to the building, but would have to climb down the building. This was enough trouble for them to go elsewhere.

Poison is a much more secure method and is what an exterminator would do. The concern will be where to place it and what other animals will be able to eat the same poison.

Moth balls in the area they are trying to inhabit will discourage them but I have successfully used this as a treatment to drive them away and then make my repairs. You would not want to be living in a place with a lot of moth balls out-gassing in the area.How do I get rid of squirrels from my house?
Spray foam is no way to stop squirrels. Once they find a warm, dry place the stick with it.

Call your local wildlife management to capture them for you. If you do not have access to this service, then poison is probably the only way left for you.

Squirrels do a lot of damage, so you really must work at evicting them.
You really need to use something like a concrete crack filler. Otherwise they will just eat through it. You can also use a product called Rat Zapper, it kills the squirrels, thereby taking care of your problem.
they're rodents. buy some poison and kill the dirty varmints. buy a kids pellet gun and shoot them. either option works well.
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