Monday, January 18, 2010

Squirrels getting into my house/attic - can I legally kill them?

I asked this earlier, and I think people thought I meant hunting them. I'm asking if I can kill the pest squirrels in my own yard - is that legal?Squirrels getting into my house/attic - can I legally kill them?
in your attic hell ya these cute little fluffy tailed tree rats carry tons of parasites that can travel through the cracks in the ceiling and land in the baby crib or in your bed and pass along cute fluffy tailed diseases.

I would put rat traps up there and as soon as you can put the dead ones in plastic bags because the parasites leave the host soon after it dies and start looking for a new host. squirrels are suppost to have good memory so why are they still digging op every square inch of my garden and eating from every plant that they dont eat. they can eat at wiring that could cause a fire,so in my opinion yes terminate them in your house.

the ones outside you can temporary scare off with a plush toy bigger than them by moving it around every day otherwise a paintball gun with

frozen clear paintballs is my next choise and dont forget those bleeding hart rat feeders in the neighbourhood an aluminum baseball bat should do the trick with them. btw if you find a 100% solution please let me knowSquirrels getting into my house/attic - can I legally kill them?
and like I answered your question earlier there is a hunting season for squirrel so yes ...duh it's illegal outside of the hunting season to kill them but like I said before if you do it quietly and nobody knows then who cares. Just do it and don't let anybody see you do it...Nobody said you are hunting
they're a RODENT; you shouldn't even question yourself...just get rid of them...use peanut butter on a rat trap...
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