Saturday, January 16, 2010

Have you ever found a squirrel, praying mantis, or lizard inside your house? Anything else?

So far, no squirrels for me, but I did find a praying mantis in the living room once, and a lizard sunning itself on a windowsill.Have you ever found a squirrel, praying mantis, or lizard inside your house? Anything else?
I've had a family of bats. This was in Iowa.Have you ever found a squirrel, praying mantis, or lizard inside your house? Anything else?
I have had a possum,various insects,a horned toad and a tarantula spider,all gone to insect heaven and let the possum go,kept the toad outside until one day he disappeared also.You do not ever want to corner a possum,vicious Little critters.
Lizards when I lived in S. Florida.

Squirrels in attic recently , very noisy.

Scorpions in Texas as a child.

Mouse in house and a mole that the cat brought in.
Well, we have a squirrel under our fiberglass bathtub... and can't get the bugger out.

He chewed a hole in our plywood door that leads underneath our house (going to our storage area where we keep the mower and yard tools) and then found his way up to the insulation that is underneath our floor and then found a hole that led to the underside of our tub... and boy, does he get mad when he can't find his way out!

Last year, we had a squirrel that did this same exact thing - but he had chewed a hole in the metal mesh covering a foundation vent and got underneath the tub. We fixed the hole in the mesh and he never came back.... until now.

I rented a humane trap from a feed store, baited it with peanut butter and walnuts and was going to be nice and set him free once he was in my trap. Do you know that the little varmint didn't even go NEAR the trap? Didn't even TOUCH the peanut butter. I wasted my money for nothing, blocked the hole and thought we were done. That was two weeks ago and surprise... he's BAACCCKK!!!

Cool ! I once had a jumping-spider ( a good spider by the way ) who at 3:30 PM would , like clock-work , walk across the carpet to the sliding-glass door everyday one Summer ! You could almost set your clock by him/her !

And , several mice who , thanks to my cat was metabolized into the feline form ; if you know what I mean !

Good question ! !! lol !!

Granddaddy long legs spiders, scorpions, Water moccasin, a bat and a chicken snake.
squirells in the fire place they caught on fire and started runnin around the house
I came home one day and there was a Grey squirrel dipping his nuts in my cappuccino.
just this morning i turned on the bathroom light and there was a little orange and pink gecko on the floor and it ran under the cabnet lol
My ex wife was a rattlesnake.
I live in Florida and its more unusual to NOT find a lizard in your house. I once had one living in my bathroom all winter then he moved out when it warmed up outside. The kids named him ';lil guy';.
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